volunteer opportunities
employment opportunities
We have many programs that are volunteer dependent, without our volunteers we would not be able to offer them in our community.
We welcome individuals or groups; students, seniors, and families to apply. Some programs may allow for short-term contract work as well.
Without your help we cannot continue many of our programs, apply today to help make our community a great place to live!
We would love new drivers for Meals on Wheels which runs Wednesday's & Friday's. The Souper Seniors would also like to welcome new volunteers to the Community Kitchen; once a month in each Spirit River & Rycroft Community Halls. We are in need of Snow Angels for shoveling snow throughout winter. Volunteering to sort and deliver Christmas gifts during December is greatly appreciated! Please press the corresponding button below to apply as a volunteer. Please hand in your finished applications to:
FCSS Coordinator
Central Peace FCSS
PO Box 389
Spirit River AB T0H 3G0
Or Email to:
Currently there are no employment opportunities for FCSS