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Camp Wanago Logo.jpg

Building strong children, strong families and strong communities!

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This long-standing program is the perfect child care for those summer months of no school! This day camp is available for children age 5 to 11.


The program runs in the Brownlee Building behind the MD of Spirit River and is open to the residents of Rycroft, Spirit River, MD of Spirit River, County of Birch Hills and County of Saddle Hills. 


All of our Camp WaNaGo staff sign a written oath of confidentiality to ensure that your privacy is a priority


Face Painting

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A whole week of fun!

Monday - Friday

9:00 am - 3:00 pm





$15 each day, registration due before entry, can drop in when there is available space




           Weeks with Stat Holidays

                              4 days

                  9:00 am - 3:00 pm




Opportunity for Youth ages 12-17

Youth with their Babysitting Course can come get experience as a Junior Leader at Camp!

Three Reason Why You Might Consider Sending Your Child to Camp WaNaGo:


  1. When children go to a day camp, they have an opportunity to decide what activities to participate in, and they have a chance at some independence.  They learn skills to become self-reliant and as a result, develop more confidence.

  2. While day camp can be like school – it runs without the threat of failure.  Kids are just there to have fun; they always achieve success at camp!

  3. Participating in day camps can enhance and develop social skills.  This can be one of the greatest benefits of the camp experiences as children usually shed their concerns of not being accepted because of what they wear, how they look or what they’re good at.  Everyone has a place at day camp.

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