Snow Angels is a program that runs throughout the winter to help seniors and other no able-bodied people with snow removal.
We encourage you to talk to seniors you know about applying to the program if you notice they are having a hard time shoveling.
If you officially apply to be a volunteer Snow Angel you will be set up with a house or two to regularly shovel. When there is a snowfall it is encouraged that you shovel the house(s) assigned to you. If there is a resident who did not receive snow removal you may be contacted by FCSS if their regular Snow Angel is not available.
For residents in need of Snow Angels please call FCSS when you need your snow removed and we will send someone over as soon as we can.
Snow Angels is volunteer dependent and without our volunteers this program is not able to run properly.
Please contact the Assistant Coordinator at FCSS to get the appropriate application form or for more information.