Volunteering doesn’t have to be a constant, regular commitment.
There are organizations in our community that require weekly commitments, or monthly commitments.
There are casual volunteer opportunities at different times of the year as well.
Most organizations have a volunteer board, which is a bigger commitment, or you can volunteer every now and again at the hospital to just visit and help out.
Here is a list of the local organizations that depend on volunteers.
Central Peace Hospital Auxillary
Happy Hour Club (Spirit River seniors group)
Merry Pioneers (Rycroft seniors group)
Birch Hills Seniors Centre (Wanham)
Eaglesham & District Ag Society
Spirit River & District Ag Society
Rycroft & District Ag Society
Central Peace Community Garden Park Society
Central Peace Food Bank Society
Spirit River Museum
Spirit River Library Board/ Friends of the SR
Village of Rycroft Library Board
Rycroft & District Lions Club
Spirit River Kinnettes
Communities in Bloom- Spirit River
Central Peace FCSS
Palliative Care Committee
Spirit of the Peace- United Church Thrift Shop
Wanham Ploughing Match
COCO Hall Assoc.
Catholic Women’s League
School / Parent Councils
Volunteer at Pleasantview Lodge or at the Hospital
The Local Youth Programs- all volunteer run
Central Peace Minor Soccer
Swim Club
Spirit Arts Dance Society
Girl Guides
Forest Rangers
4-H Clubs